6–12 May 2022 PDT
Jericho Centre, 19533 64 Ave Map
On May 6th and 12th we’ll be hosting a virtual parenting conference from Paul Tripp Ministries. The conference is broken down into four sessions, which we’ll be doing over the course of two different days.
On Friday, May 6th from 7 PM – 9 PM, we’ll be learning about giving up control and shaping our kids character. The focus of these sessions is on grace as your kids grow into independent individuals, as well as lovingly walking with them in forgiveness. These first two sessions are great for parents with kids of any age.
On our second day, Thursday, May 12th, we will meet from 7 PM – 9 PM (the same time as youth so that you can drop off your youth aged kids, grades 8-12, and join us). During these sessions, we will talk about thriving in the teen years and resting in God. These sessions talk about walking with your kids and helping them grasp their own faith as they transition from childhood to adulthood. These two sessions focus more on the teenage years and would be great for parents of middle-schoolers and teenagers; however, some parts would apply to a parent of a child of any age.